Sunday, November 18, 2007

My Sheepherder days at Kimama

We moved to Kimama which is between Ditrich and Minidoka, Idaho. Dad was Section Foreman
there . I went to School in a one room school house where all the grades were taught by one teacher . my occupation there was chasing the bands of sheep to get all the bum lambs .in those days kimama had a railroad water tank where the band of sheep were watered if mom or dad could not find me . they would go to the nearest sheep wagon Before we moved back to Hammett , I had my total of 41 sheep .one of the sheep was a buck who did not like mother and would butt her in the behind everytime she got in his sight . all i ever heard was "Donnie, if you dont make that sheep behave , your going to be eating him for supper "in those day their was a lot of sheepherders with big bands of sheep sometime numbering in the 10,000 sheep in a band . at Kiamama there was two section Gangs and i Signal Maintainer . Just across the Railroad track was the abandon prison camp for the japanese held durring world war II