Monday, November 19, 2007

Trains on Medbury Hill

Picture #1 is Train coming on top of medbury Hill at reverse.

Picture #2 is a rotary snow plow used by the Oregon shoreline.
Picture #3 is cranking up at the bottom of Medbury Hill for a run.

Picture #4 is a train leaving West switch at Hammett for Medbury Hill.

The Firecracker episode

when we live in hammett ,and i was about 11 years old , It was right after a 4th of July and i had a big box of Duds ( Firecrackers that did not go off ) and i devised of a brilant way of setting them off . I took a box ofMatches and soaked the wood only in karosene , then i would put the wooden end of the match in the firecracker , it realy worked great . i was having a lot of fun , but then i got a little careless and with out thinking i put the match end in the firecracker , and the Firecracker expoded . ( Now let me tell you about the firecracker , these firecrackers were what
they called blockbusters , they were about an 1 " in diamater and an inche long , and then they
went off , it was a pretty loud exposion ) now when the firecracker expoded in my hand , the force of it made me turn a backward somersault , and when i hit the ground on my feet ,I took off running as fast as i could to the back of our house , mother came running out to the front where i had been , but then she heard me come in the back door , my chest and face was covered with blood , and it realy scared us .
Lession - Dont let the kids play with fircrackers . Take it from your Grandpa as a word of advise.