Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Grandpa and Grandma Secret

Bonnie asked How i felt when we had our first child . I guess now is as good as time to Tell you all about Grandpa & Grandma's Secret . Before we got married Mollie was told that she Probaly would not be able have any Children and she told me why . As it was Mollie had to have a female operation before we was married and it was done in twin falls by a doctor schoul . But we loved each other very much and we went ahead of our plans to Marry regardless of what would happen . When Jerry our first born arrived , incidently the same doctor schoul who did the earlier operation on mollie was the same doctor who brought jerry into the world .
The Doctor came up to me after the Delivery and said " I guess you know that this is a miricle baby "
As to How i felt , Words could never Explain , But we do Consider all four Children as Miricle babies that
were given to us by our Father in Heaven .


Bon said...

Gramps- once again you had me in tears! I love that you are sharing your thoughts and feelings! These are so precious and things I can always pass down to my children! Thanks and love ya!

Becca said...

Grandpa, I a m so glad you are writing these things down--they really are wonderful stories that we can tell to our kids. Love you!

Hanna in the Hizzzouse.. said...

This was so cute Grandpa and when you weren't around it did bring me to tears slightly.