Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Grandpa & Grandma First Date

Our First date , it was a Blind date , Because we did not met before . The Date was set up by my Best Friend , a Guy named Ross Powers, We both was working as section jerries at Hammett , Ross Lived in Glenns Ferry. He was dating a girl named Datlene from Shoshone . She and Mollie Fixed Supper for us . and Belive it or not , We did not Kiss on our first date , But i think both of us . relized that we had found our mate for Life . but the parting speach from Mollie "Was When are we are we going to see each other again , " andi guess from that time
we was on a date ever week end . Untill we got Married about 6 Month later . And i Guess that if i had it do do over again, it would be with the Same Person .


Bon said...

Thanks for answering my request! That was touching and made me cry!! My next request is- how you felt when you became a father for the first time!! I love these stories and am so glad you are sharing!! Love ya gramps!

Your fav
Bonnie (to some perfect is a name I go by also!) hahahaha

Becca said...

Okay, since Bonnie gets to request stories, I want to know who was your hero when you were a child and why?

Hanna in the Hizzzouse.. said...

Oh Grandpa, You can't complain that I haven't left a comment any more! I'm love hearing all of these cute stories.

Roylance Rec. Center said...

Grandpa. Thank you for sharing these special times with us. I love you both SO much and Love all these goodies...I want you to share your testimony.
:O) Love you