Friday, November 16, 2007

On the red square No 1. The Indians used to make arrow head here , evey time the wind used to blow pretty hard we would go out and search for arrow heads , we found a lot of spear

and arrow heads .

On the red square no.2 is where i found a broken calvary sword and a calvary pistol , did not find no remains ,but i often wonder what happened here .

on the white square no.3 , through this area there were a lot of pretty big railroad cement culverts , and in looking here was a lot of people signiture and dates where they had written , the dates varied between 1885 and 1900

I was Given a old Model T Roadster when i was even years old ,i Loved going on the old grade
and playing like i was a train , and many the day that i spent on this old grade . I just loved this
place .

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