Friday, December 28, 2007

Did you Know Granpa was a Math Geek

In my Grade school ,grandpa was only an average Student , But when he got into high school ,he had a math teacher that realy motiviated him , as i took all kinds of math, Gen,Math- Algerbera 1 & 2 , Trig- Geomitry- Caculus - I got straight a's and My senior Year A + all the way through , My math teacher was my kind of teacher, he would take us on Field Trips for half a day and we was excused from Classes the rest of the day. He was always making you use your head . we would be walking down the halls going to next class , he would come up as ask to how far is a certain object was , and we would take out our Slide Rules and give him the answer right away , But the Grades that I recieved were because , I was the Teachers Pet , Nanny- Nanny - Nanny and i found out that if you were the teachers pet,You got good grades .


Bon said...

So true gramps- Thank goodness I was MANY teachers pets. I could ditch school, and still get good grades. What idiots! HAHAHAHA! But I loved it!!

Roylance Rec. Center said...

"Nanny nanny nannny" Grandpa that is a little childish...isn't it??? ha ha ha
I love you! And I am glad we got to stop by and visit for awhile.
Love you guys
Love Ali

Hanna in the Hizzzouse.. said...

Grandpa I would've taken you for more of a Home-Ec NERD! I know you loved wearing the aprons! I laughed really hard at this blog, keep them coming!

Becca said...

Too bad they don't use slide rules still, huh? This made me laugh, Grandpa.